• What to eat after Root Canal?

    What to eat after Root Canal?

    This guide will tell you what you can eat after your root canal, giving you clear instructions on how to navigate your diet post-treatment. What is a Root Canal?  A root canal is a dental procedure performed to rescue a tooth that’s infected or in danger of infection. Here’s how it works: First, the dentist removes the infected or damaged pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the tooth. Then, they clean and disinfect the inside of the tooth thoroughly. Next, they fill and seal the tooth to prevent further infection. This process stops the infection from spreading and eases

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  • Can I eat after root canal treatment?

    Can I eat after root canal treatment?

    In this guide, we’ll delve into the timing of eating after root canal treatment, providing practical insights to help individuals navigate their post-treatment diet with confidence.  Significance of Post-Root Canal Care  A root canal procedure is necessary to save a tooth threatened by infection. It includes removing the infected or damaged pulp from inside the tooth, thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the affected area, and then sealing it to prevent further infection. This process rescues the tooth and alleviates the pain associated with the infection. However, proper care following the procedure is vital for ensuring successful healing and maintaining long-term oral

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  • Does insurance cover Invisalign

    Does insurance cover Invisalign

    Let’s explore the details of insurance coverage for Invisalign to help you navigate your orthodontic options more confidently. Does Insurance Cover Invisalign for Kids? Many dental insurance plans include coverage for orthodontic treatment for children below 18 years old, including Invisalign and other orthodontist-prescribed clear aligners. Similar to the coverage for braces treatment, insurance companies may pay a percentage or a fixed amount toward Invisalign or clear aligner treatment. Additionally, there might be limitations on coverage, such as an annual or lifetime cap, for orthodontic treatment. Does Insurance Cover Invisalign & Clear Aligners for Adults? While certain dental insurance plans

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  • Can Invisalign Fix Crossbite

    Can Invisalign Fix Crossbite

    In this blog, we’ll explore how effective Invisalign is in fixing crossbites and compare its benefits to traditional braces. What is a Crossbite? A crossbite is a dental problem where some of your upper teeth sit inside or directly on top of your lower teeth when you close your mouth. Ideally, your upper teeth should rest just slightly in front of your lower teeth. Signs of a crossbite may include: Frequent toothaches Headaches Pain while biting and chewing Jaw problems What Causes a Crossbite? Genetics plays a significant role in developing a crossbite for many individuals—you may have inherited the

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  • Can I get dentures if I have gum disease?

    Can I get dentures if I have gum disease?

    What is a Gum Disease?  Gum disease typically begins with gingivitis, characterized by gum inflammation due to plaque buildup along the gum line. While bleeding during brushing might seem harmless, it often signals the beginning of gum disease. If it is left untreated, gingivitis can worsen into periodontal disease, causing gums and supporting bone to recede, leading to tooth loss. Identifying Symptoms of Gum Disease  Some common symptoms of gum disease include swollen, tender gums prone to bleeding, receding gum lines, pus around teeth, persistent bad breath, and loose or shifting teeth. Bleeding gums should never be dismissed as normal,

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  • Can Invisalign Fix Overbite?

    Can Invisalign Fix Overbite?

    Understanding how Invisalign addresses Overbite and its effectiveness in correcting this issue is crucial for individuals seeking orthodontic treatment. Let’s look into details: Can Invisalign fix Overbite, and what factors influence its success in doing so? What Is the Invisalign System?  Invisalign comprises almost invisible, clear trays worn over your teeth for up to 22 hours daily. These trays guide your teeth into better alignment by gradually moving them each week. Specially qualified dentists use scanning equipment to create customized aligner trays, ensuring precise fits for optimal results.  Can Anyone Use Invisalign?  While Invisalign isn’t suitable for everyone, adults, teens,

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  • Invisalign vs. Braces: Which Option is Right for You?

    Invisalign vs. Braces: Which Option is Right for You?

    Somewhere in the middle of these two extremes lies mild to moderate issues. These are often treated with either traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear aligners. This article explains what you need to know about these two options at Capitol Square Dental. What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a brand of clear aligners, which are a type of orthodontic treatment used to straighten and align teeth. Invisalign offers a more discreet and flexible alternative to traditional metal braces. The treatment involves wearing a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners that gradually move the teeth into their desired positions. Key features of

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  • why no dairy after dental implant

    why no dairy after dental implant

    Dental Implant Healing Process  Understanding the healing process is crucial for anyone considering or recovering from a dental implant procedure. This process typically unfolds in several stages: Stage 1: Osseointegration  Osseointegration is the initial phase where the implant fixture fuses with the jawbone. During this stage, it is essential to promote bone healing and minimize the risk of complications. Stage 2: Soft Tissue Healing  After osseointegration, the focus shifts to the healing of soft tissues. Proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in this phase, as it supports gum healing and overall oral health. Stage 3: Prosthetic Placement  Once the implant

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  • How Long Do Dentures Last?

    How Long Do Dentures Last?

    Dentures are just one of the tooth replacement solutions offered at Capitol Square Dental in Columbus, OH. This article explains what you need to know about this solution. What are Dentures? Tooth loss is common in adults and can be due to a variety of reasons from genetics to tooth decay and other oral health issues to trauma and more. Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace some or all missing natural teeth to restore oral function and appearance. Types of Dentures and Their Cost There are several different types of dentures: Full Dentures Full dentures, also referred to

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  • How Much Do Dentures Cost?

    How Much Do Dentures Cost?

    What Are Dentures? Dentures are oral devices designed to replace some or all missing teeth in one or both arches. There are several different types of dentures: Partial: replaces some missing teeth in an arch  Full: replaces a full arch Implant-retained: also known as “snap-in/snap-on” dentures, held in place by 2 or more dental <ul> implants. Must be removed for cleaning and to allow the mouth to rest. Implant-supported: also known as permanent or hybrid dentures. Permanently held in place with 4 or more dental implants- only the dentist can remove them. How Much Do Different Types of Dentures Cost?

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